driver2200087 package

driver2200087.serialDecoder module

Serial Decoder for RadioShack 2200087 Multimeter

This module provides functions for decoding the serial protocol of the RadioShack 2200087 Mulitimeter. See the included basic.rst for the protocol specifications and standalone usage instructions for the script.

The documentation in this file focuses on the usage of this file as a module.


Locate the RS2200087 multimeter using whatever information is available. Specifically, look for :

  • Prolific 2303 serial ports
  • Which produce data that can be parsed by this module

As long as no other connected USB devices have a Prolific 2303 serial port, it should be fine. This is an insufficient test, and should be avoided in favor of manually specifying the port. This is especially true when other USB devices containing Prolific 2303 serial ports are also expected to be connected.

class driver2200087.serialDecoder.Grapher(y)[source]

Bases: object

Grapher used to plot a graph of the data when used in standalone mode. When used as a module, you can probably just ignore it and use your own graphing mechanism, if any.

np = <module 'numpy' from '/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/numpy/__init__.pyc'>
subprocess = <module 'subprocess' from '/usr/lib/python2.7/subprocess.pyc'>
x = []
graphSize = 100
y = []
graphOutput = []
update(x, y, label='DMM')[source]
append_with_label(y_val, label)[source]

Converts serial data to an array of strings each of which is a binary representation of a single byte

Parameters:serial_data (str) – Series of bytes received over the serial line, separated by spaces
Returns:list of ascii representations for each character in the serial data
Return type:list
driver2200087.serialDecoder.process_digit(digit_number, bin_array)[source]

Extracts a single digit from the binary array, at the location specified by digit_number, and returns it’s numeric value as well as whether a decimal point is to be included.

  • digit_number (int) – Location from which digit should be extracted (4, 3, 2, 1)
  • bin_array (list) – Array of binary representations of serial data
Return type:


Returns decimal_point_bool:

Boolean if decimal point is to be included at the specified location

Returns digit_value:

Number value of the digit at the specified location


Converts a digit_dict into the character it represents.

Parameters:digit_dict (dict) – dictionary containing the digit’s information
Returns:The character represented by digit_dict
Return type:int or char

Checks all possible flags that might be needed and returns a list containing all currently active flags

Parameters:str_of_bytes (str) – a string of bytes
Returns:list of flags, each of which is a string
Return type:list

Converts a string of space separated hexadecimal bytes into numbers following the protocol in

Parameters:str_of_bytes (str) – a string of bytes
Return type:str
Returns:string of digits represented by str_of_bytes with decimal point as applicable

Gets a serial chunk from the device.

Parameters:ser – serial.Serial object
Return type:str
Returns:string of 14 received characters separated by spaces

Get the next point from the device. This function raises an Exception if anything at all goes wrong during the process of obtaining the value. The returned value is a string which should then be parsed by downstream code to determine what it actually is.

Due to the nature of the serial interface, the downstream code must also ensure that this function is called often enough to keep the data in the various serial buffers from going stale. This particular DMM sends back a point every 0.1s, so this function should effectively be called at that frequency.

Alternatively, a crochet / twisted based protocol implementation can be used to provide an interface friendlier to more complex synchronous code without needing to create a plethora of threads that spend their time in time.sleep().


This function will block.


Test the serial object for the device. This is a naive test, assuming that if a value can be successfully parsed, the device is what is expected. This is a very weak test, and should not be overly relied upon.


Get a serial object given the port.


Main loop for standalone use

driver2200087.runner module

This module provides an asynchronous backend to the RadioShack 2200087 multimeter’s PC interface. It uses crochet to provide a synchronous API to an underlying Twisted based implementation.

While the intent of this module is to allow the use of the device from within a larger framework, the use of crochet should allow the use of this API and therefore the instrument in a naive python script as well.

See the ‘main’ section of this file for a minimal example of it’s usage.


Takes nested failures and flattens the nodes into a list. The branches are discarded.

class driver2200087.runner.InstProtocol2200087(port, buffer_size=100)[source]

Bases: twisted.internet.protocol.Protocol

This is a twisted protocol which handles serial communications with 2200087 multimeters. This protocol exists and operates within the context of a twisted reactor. Applications themselves built on twisted should be able to simply import this protocol (or its factory).

If you would like the protocol to produce datapoints in a different format, this protocol should be sub-classed in order to do so. The changes necessary would likely begin in this class’s frame_recieved() function.

Synchronous / non-twisted applications should use the InstInterface2200087 class instead. The InstInterface2200087 class accepts a parameter to specify which protocol factory to use, in case you intend to subclass this protocol.

  • port (str) – Port on which the device is connected. Default ‘/dev/ttyUSB0’.
  • buffer_size (int) – Length of the point buffer in the protocol. Default 100.

Resets the point buffer. Any data presently within it will be lost.


Creates the serial connection to the port specified by the instance’s _serial_port variable and sets the instance’s _serial_transport variable to the twisted.internet.serialport.SerialPort instance.


Calls loseConnection() on the instance’s _serial_transport object.


This function is called by twisted when a connection to the serial transport is successfully opened.

connectionLost(reason=<twisted.python.failure.Failure <class 'twisted.internet.error.ConnectionDone'>>)[source]

This function is called by twisted when the connection to the serial transport is lost.


This function is called by twisted when new bytes are received by the serial transport.

This data is appended to the protocol’s framing buffer, _buffer, and when the length of the buffer is longer than the frame size, that many bytes are pulled out of the start of the buffer and frame_recieved is called with the frame.

This function also performs the initial frame synchronization by dumping any bytes in the beginning of the buffer which aren’t the first byte of the frame. In its steady state, the protocol framing buffer will always have the beginning of a frame as the first element.

Parameters:data (str) – The data bytes received

This function is called by data_received when a full frame is received by the serial transport and the protocol.

This function recasts the frame into the format used by the serialDecoder and then uses that module to process the frame into the final string. This string is then appended to the protocol’s point buffer.

This string is treated as a fully processed datapoint for the purposes of this module.

Parameters:frame (str) – The full frame representing a single data point

This function can be called to obtain the latest data point from the protocol’s point buffer. The intended use of this function is to allow random reads from the DMM. Such a typical application will want to discard all the older data points (including the one returned), which it can do with flush=True.

This function should only be called when there is data already in the protocol buffer, which can be determined using data_available().

This is a twisted protocol function, and should not be called directly by synchronous / non-twisted code. Instead, its counterpart in the InstInterface object should be used.

Parameters:flush (bool) – Whether to flush all the older data points.
Returns:Latest Data Point as processed by the serialDecoder
Return type:str

This function can be called to obtain the next data point from the protocol’s point buffer. The intended use of this function is to allow continuous streaming reads from the DMM. Such a typical application will want to pop the element from the left of the point buffer, which is what this function does.

This function should only be called when there is data already in the protocol buffer, which can be determined using data_available().

This is a twisted protocol function, and should not be called directly by synchronous / non-twisted code. Instead, its counterpart in the InstInterface object should be used.

Returns:Next Data Point in the point buffer as processed by the serialDecoder
Return type:str

This function can be called to obtain a copy of the protocol’s point buffer with all but the latest point in protocol’s point buffer. The intended use of this function is to allow continuous streaming reads from the DMM. Such a typical application will want to pop the elements from the left of the point buffer, which is what this function does.

This function should only be called when there is data already in the protocol buffer, which can be determined using data_available().

This is a twisted protocol function, and should not be called directly by synchronous / non-twisted code. Instead, its counterpart in the InstInterface object should be used.

Returns:Copy of point_buffer with all but the latest_point
Return type:deque

This function can be called to read the number of data points waiting in the protocol’s point buffer.

This is a twisted protocol function, and should not be called directly by synchronous / non-twisted code. Instead, its counterpart in the InstInterface object should be used.

Returns:Number of points waiting in the protocol’s point buffer
Return type:int
class driver2200087.runner.InstFactory2200087[source]

Bases: twisted.internet.protocol.Factory

This is a twisted protocol factory which produces twisted protocol objects which handle serial communications with 2200087 multimeters. This class is typically not to be instantiated by application code. This module includes a single instance of this class (factory), which can be used to create as many such objects as are necessary.

This protocol factory exists and operates within the context of a twisted reactor. Applications themselves built on twisted should be able to simply import this protocol factory. Synchronous / non-twisted applications should use the InstInterface2200087 class instead.

buildProtocol(port, buffer_size=100)[source]

This function returns a InstProtocol2200087 instance, bound to the port specified by the param port.

This is a twisted protocol factory function, and should not be called directly by synchronous / non-twisted code. The InstInterface2200087 class should be instantiated instead.

  • port (str) – Serial port identifier to which the device is connected
  • buffer_size (int) – Length of the point buffer in the protocol. Default 100.
class driver2200087.runner.InstInterface2200087(port=None, buffer_size=100, pfactory=<driver2200087.runner.InstFactory2200087 instance>)[source]

Bases: object

This class provides an synchronous / non-twisted interface to 2200087 multimeters. It uses the underlying _protocol object which does most of the heavy lifting using twisted / crochet.

For each DMM you want to connect to, instantiate this class once with the correct serial port string.

If you would like to use a custom protocol to interface with the device, you can do so by passing in the custom protocol factory as the named parameter pfactory. See the documentation of the default protocol object for information on creating a custom Protocol class.

  • port (str) – Port on which the device is connected. Default ‘/dev/ttyUSB0’.
  • buffer_size (int) – Length of the point buffer in the protocol. Default 100.
  • pfactory (InstFactory2200087) – Custom protocol factory to use, if not the one implemented here.

Your application code is expected to setup crochet before creating the instance. A short example :

>>> from crochet import setup
>>> setup()
>>> from driver2200087.runner import InstInterface2200087
>>> dmm = InstInterface2200087('/dev/ttyUSB0')
>>> dmm.connect()
>>> print dmm.latest_point()
connect(*args, **kwargs)[source]

This function connects to the serial port specified during the instantiation of the class.

This function should be called before anything else can be done with the object.

disconnect(*args, **kwargs)[source]

This function disconnects from the serial port specified during the instantiation of the class.

latest_point(*args, **kwargs)[source]

This function can be called to obtain the latest data point from the protocol’s point buffer. The intended use of this function is to allow random reads from the DMM. Such a typical application will want to discard all the older data points (including the one returned), which it can do with flush=True.

This function should only be called when there is data already in the protocol buffer, which can be determined using data_available().

Parameters:flush (bool) – Whether to flush all the older data points.
Returns:Latest Data Point as processed by the protocol
Return type:str or type of each datapoint
next_point(*args, **kwargs)[source]

This function can be called to obtain the next data point from the protocol’s point buffer. The intended use of this function is to allow continuous streaming reads from the DMM. Such a typical application will want to pop the element from the left of the point buffer, which is what this function does.

This function should only be called when there is data already in the protocol buffer, which can be determined using data_available().

Returns:Next Data Point in the point buffer as processed by the protocol
Return type:str or type of each datapoint
next_chunk(*args, **kwargs)[source]

This function can be called to obtain the next chunk of data from the protocol’s point buffer. The intended use of this function is to allow continuous streaming reads from the DMM. Such a typical application will want to pop the elements from the left of the point buffer, which is what this function effectively does.

This function should only be called when there is data already in the protocol buffer, which can be determined using data_available().

Returns:Point buffer with all but the latest point in the protocol’s point buffer
Return type:deque or type of the point_buffer
data_available(*args, **kwargs)[source]

This function can be called to read the number of data points waiting in the protocol’s point buffer.

Returns:Number of points waiting in the protocol’s point buffer
Return type:int
reset_buffer(*args, **kwargs)[source]

This function can be called to reset the point buffer. This should be used for starting wave acquisition.